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Why We Succeed

We aim to deliver excellent service in conjunction with our network of partners, for prospective International and UK students; by providing adequate guidance on University admission process, free admission assessment, career counselling and the attainment of academic and personal goals. Our services include:

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Globally Yours!

With global Uni Admission Consult’s (UAC) outreach to over 40 institutions and partners worldwide, prospective students can be rest assured that our committed consultants with over 10 years’ experience in the higher Education industry will deliver excellent care all through the process of finding a university, admission, visa and resumption to the campus destination country and city.


Our Service Areas

Uni Admission Consult’s (UAC) will provide free one- to- one consultation to prospective EU/UK and International students. We are available to help and support you find the right University of choice; complete all application process, which include application for scholarships and funding.

Counselling Session

Counselling Session

Counselling Session

Book a free one-to-one Counselling Session on all matters relating to your choice of university and courses

Student Finance/ Visa Application Support

Student Finance/ Visa Application Support

Student Finance/ Visa Application Support

Get guidance on your Visa application and various financial support options available to help fund your studies

Accommodation Service

Accommodation Service

Accommodation Service

Get guidance on how to find a safe and secure place for you to stay.

DBA / PhD application support

DBA / PhD application support

DBA / PhD application support

Get guidance on DBA or PHD application eligibility, programs, institutions, research proposal preparation and documentation.

Personal Statement Guidance

Personal Statement Guidance

Personal Statement Guidance

Get guidance on how to write good quality statement of purpose for the submission of error free application.

Personalized University Selection Support

Personalized University Selection Support

Personalized University Selection Support

Still Not sure? We offer you personalised University Support.


You can choose to study in different destinations across the globe including the UK, US, Sweden or Netherlands. Our top priority is to make the smooth and easy for you. With Uni Admission Consult (UAC) process, all you need do, is select or inform of us about your country of choice and we would guide you through an array of opportunities to identify the right program-depending on degree type and level you wish to pursue.



Worldwide Partner Agency

High skilled and Experienced staffs

Experience in International Higher Education industry

Expert counsellors and Marketing team

Visa compliance training counsellors and business development manager

Partner Network in the UK, Asia, and Africa

Our Process



Everything you need to know about studying in the UK:   Official partner to over 40 UK universities FREE personalized university selection support Funding information


Get you FREE personalized guidance through the application process: Personal statement guidance We apply to multiple universities on your behalf We handle your application paperwork.

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1 to 1 Help with every aspect of preparing to study in the UK:
FREE advice on accommodation and travel Visa requirements FREE workshops and ‘Pre-departure guides’ available

Sign Up Here

Business Hours

Mon - Friday 9am - 5pm

Saturdays 11am - 3pm

Sundays Holiday

Note: Due to COVID 19 pandemic restriction and safeguard, we currently operate a virtual service.
You can reach us via email: admissions@uniadmissionconsult.com; and will reach you within 48 hours or fill our contact form and one of our advisors will endeavour to contact you via email, phone.
We also do our consultation via SKYPE, TEAM, and ZOOM video links, depending on which is okay with you.”


Our Locations

Unit 3A, 34-35 Hatton Garden,Holborn,London.EC1N 8DX United Kingdom

We provide Services to:

Need Help?

Are you planning to study in the Foundation, Undergraduate, Postgraduate or Professional courses? Contact Us today for a FREE one to one session